Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently asked questions

We are a healthcare recruitment agency based out of the UAE. We provide the top hospitals and healthcare Institutions with doctors, nurses and other allied healthcare staff. In addition to this, we fill vacancies for job positions in marketing, operations, finance but only for the healthcare niche.
As soon as we get approached with a vacancy, we search from our varied pool of skilled professionals to find the suitable candidate. Post this, there is a strict screening process conducted by us to churn out the best of the lot. This can take anything from 3-6 days.
Typically this depends on the candidate’s training, level of expertise and background. Usually it takes about 3-4 months given the documentation is on point.
We never guarantee or over promise the recruitment to any candidate. We encourage a lot of talent from around the world to be a part of us. We have close associations with a number of Hospitals and Medical Institutions which we leverage to find the most suited job for any candidate.
Yes, we are aware of some instances ourself. While choosing a recruitment agency, the candidates have to cautious. Such agencies, ask money from candidates for visa process and thereafter. It is important to ask as many questions you want from the recruitment agency before submitting your requirements. Ask them for previous proof of work and background check to stay clear of such malpractices.

Most hospitals are registered under the DHA (Dubai Healthcare Authority) license.

Permanent employees are more suited for this kind of job role.

Our licensing services include:

  • Application Fee
  • Dataflow verification Fee
  • Consultation Fee
  • License Update Fee

It does not end here. We give end to end relocation guidance services and also look for vacancies through all the Healthcare Institutions in the UAE.

Apart from placing them in the top hospitals, we also provide relocation guidance services. Keeping in mind the new surroundings of the candidate, we assist them in housing guidance as well. We provide the information about the best neighborhoods and commute services to them.
Yes, it is extremely important to acquire your license to increase the chances of securing quality jobs in the UAE. UAE healthcare market is very competitive and dynamic. Most of the Hospitals and Medical Institutions prefer staff who are highly trained and aware of the changing market trends. The licensing procedure formalities can take up to a year. We encourage all the candidates to get a license and then access the jobs with the top hospitals.
There is no Income Tax in the UAE. However, we do have the VAT (Value Added Tax) which is 5%
Most of the businesses use English as their first language. Having said that, candidates with good Arabic are also at advantage here.
Yes, we provide recruitment for entry level to expert level healthcare workers. Their complete screening is done by us before we recruit them. We hire specialised western doctors from across the globe.
  • Quality recruitments
  • Less time frame to respond to recruiting needs
  • Strict screening process
  • Work with top Hospitals/ Healthcare Institutions
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Complete License assistance in specific domain of work
We do not charge anything from the candidates. We place them at reputed healthcare Institutions after training absolutely free of cost. No hidden costs whatsoever.
Yes. This is one of our USP’s we provide to the candidates. You can very well apply for a license from your home country. We provide end to end assistance for this.
Yes. There is a complete contract by your employer adhering to their terms and conditions which is eligible for 2 years. All the contract terms are outlined as per the UAE labour law. At the end of which it can be renewed.